Bergen Highlands
United Methodist Church
This is a place where you can belong
Adult Choir meets before church at 9:15am. Youth and Children choirs meet as needed.
Children begin their Sunday School lessons in the sanctuary with their parents and depart to their classroom after Children's Time with the Pastor. Nursery care is provided during the service.
Our service is a blend of traditional and contemporary music and worship. We welcome all who wish to come, pray, and learn about faith.
Regular Sunday Service :: 10:15 am
(Nursery Available)
Summer Hours :: 9:15 am
(first Sunday in July through the first Sunday in September)
Adult Bible Study :: T, 7:00pm
Youth Group :: Sundays 6-8pm
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. It is an open table and as a Christian of any denomination you are invited to partake.